What Can Pakistani 'Filmmakers' learn from Saaransh?

Those who belong to this industry or are going to be a part of it soon after their graduation in media studies must have experienced a person in their professional lives who ask these creative HEADS to follow the formula. 

And the formula is heating up a light hearted song with a pinch of exposed navel for no fucking reason. A slice of young energetic couple who seems to be the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie until their mouths are shut. A glaze of a villain funnier than our very own Jim Carrey and in the end, garnishing of an item number with ear bleeding lyrics. 

This whole brief of the CLIENT murders the passion of these Creative Heads/Writers who then drop their pens and start searching for eternal peace at the Mandir of Lord Google.

Imagine Mahesh Bhatt and his co writer in this absurd situation. What would have happened if had written something like this instead of Saaransh? 

 A film that challenges the tabboos of sub continent. The visual treat that not only engages its viewers in its simplicity but also asks each one of us to question ourselves about humanity. 

Revolving around a couple who have lost their son on foreign soil and now going through a midlife crisis, Saaransh deals with psychology at intimate level. Our very own protagonist, Mr. Anupam Kher is an ideal example of the character arc, which can act as learning tool for all the filmmakers. A person who was ready to die yesterday is ready to live and live fully today. Saaransh also deals with the issue of sexual engagement before marriage of a couple who struggle hard to save their baby and love life.

 Although religion forbids what the film addresses, the protagonist deals with it on a level of humanity that reflects his learnings. Anupam Kher plays the role of a college professor but is never shown teaching. As a teacher, he deals with the young couple on logical grounds. He never speaks a word against the wrongdoing of couple but rather he protects them and fight on their behalf because that is what a teacher does; fights the greater evil (ignorance) for the sake of peace. 

The transformation of stoic Kher to an emotional guardian angel is the result of Mahesh Bhatt's confidence in his writing. 

So what do we learn from Mahesh Bhatt? 
Are our Pakistani writers ready to put down their pens and kill their logical screenplays? 
Are we going to run in a race of box office figures? 

Look around yourself and you will find a million stories walking down the road. 
As the Robin Sharma quotes it in his new book 'Who Will Cry When You Die?':

"Everyone who enters your life has a lesson to teach and a story to tell"


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