3 Books All Women Must Read
Books still work. How? They carry forward the legacy, the lessons, the history, and the documented experience of others that can empower their readers.
For Women's Day 2020, Carpe Diem has compiled a list of books all women must read at least once in their lives. Take a look at what we have selected for you:
1) The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates
We all know the lady but we don't know her story. In this book, Gates not only discuss her own marriage and post-marriage relationship with Bill but also leaves us with multiple lessons on how women can empower themselves and maintain a healthy married life.
This book will allow you to enter the realm of Gates' married life, informing you about all the struggles and hardships the couple faced in the initial years of their marriage.
2) Gross Anatomy: Dispatches from the Front (and Back) by Mara Altman
In this series of personal essays, Altman interviews doctors, scientests and wellness gurus to explore the the most discuss aspect of women - their bodies.
Sweat, unforeseen hair growth, body size, and what not. Altman's hilarious take on the norms of society liberate you from all sorts of anxiety.
3) Becoming by Michelle Obama
Do you still believe that there is anything Michelle Obama cannot do? If your answer is 'Yes', then read this book. The former first lady of USA takes a fearless step in the much needed direction.
The book is her autobiography, where she narrates a tale of hardships, followed by victories. Every female around the globe voicing for her rights must go through the eyes of Michelle once.
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